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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Prepare for search
  2. Conduct search
  3. Risks contained in the search area are identified and assessed and appropriate safety procedures are implemented
  4. Adjustments are made, where appropriate, to search strategy, in accordance with any changes in information, environmental conditions, search progress and current rescue work being undertaken
  5. Handle and control canine
  6. Control of canine is maintained, at all times
  7. Canine search specialist encourages willingness to work independently in the canine, which is demonstrated by the canine, whilst maintaining control
  8. Canine search specialist maintains control whilst, commands are responded to by the canine, in the presence of distractions
  9. Assistance is provided by canine search specialist to canine throughout the search, where appropriate
  10. Canine search specialist interprets canine demonstration of location is acted upon
  11. Actions and indications of canine to correctly identify the presence of live human scent are correctly interpreted by canine search specialist
  12. Search area is covered by canine search specialist and canine within required timeframe
  13. Provide search debriefing
  14. Sketch of search area showing alert locations is provided to relevant personnel on completion of search
  15. Recommendations are provided to relevant personnel on completion of search
  16. Maintain canine welfare and safety
  17. Basic care of canine is implemented and completed, in accordance with organisational procedures